Blog post

THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! We are going to Parliament!!

Joe Brindle
February 5, 2020

Thank you to every single one of the 552 of you that donated to our Crowdfunder! We made it! When we first started we didn’t know if we would raise enough to afford the room hire and compulsory catering order in parliament, as it costs a fortune, but we were amazed when we reached the £4,000 target in just a few weeks.


Thank you to every single one of the 552 of you that donated to our crowdfunder! We made it! When we first started we didn’t know if we would raise enough to afford the room hire and compulsory catering order in parliament, as it costs a fortune, but we were amazed when we reached the £4,000 target in just a few weeks. Your generosity, and your all-important encouraging comments, gave us the confidence to raise our aspirations. So, we upgraded and booked the biggest room available in parliament, the Pavilion Terrace, and came up with the rather unconventional plan to write our own bill, with the help of a barrister. This all massively stretched our target to a whopping £11,250. With just one day to go we have reached that target and we are now on the home straight to our big day in parliament! We could not have done this without you, so thank you!

On the 26 February 2020 fifty of us pupils and students will travel to London to run our very own Teach the Future parliamentary reception and unveil our climate emergency education bill. We will be joined by about 50 adults that are supporting us, including our organisational partners (like Friends of the Earth and NEU), key influencers and some of you that donated £100 and chose that reward. We are now working hard to get MPs and peers along to the event, and we are aiming to get about 100 to 120 among on the day. Having come this far we plan to work the room to make persuade our parliamentarians to support Teach the Future and help us make education a central pillar of the Government’s climate change strategy. If you would like to encourage your MP to join us, please do so! There is a template letter you can use at

We promise to update you all on how the reception went through our blog on our Teach the Future site. Thank you so much again for believing in us. Here is a selection of your amazing comments that have kept us going!

I’ve supported environmental causes since reading Silent Spring in 1962, but I currently believe that your movement has a greater potential to elicit the policy changes, that are desperately required at a global level, than any other organisation that I’m involved with. Greg Pike

I have a goddaughter aged 11 who is becoming worried about climate change. I want her to be taught about the implications for her future and be able to discuss it amongst her peers. Emma Cameron

For the next generation, saving our environment will be the biggest challenge they face, so let's give them the knowledge they need to do it! Richard Boddington

Curriculum change is essential. The current one is totally inadequate for preparing young people for today's climate emergency. Mark

Being now 85, I am deeply troubled at the climate catastrophe that faces younger generations all over the world. I am heartened to think you are pushing your ideas into the educational limelight. I will write to my MP to ask him to attend the Teach the Future reception. Elizabeth Birchal

Being a Child Psychiatrist I fully support your campaign. We need to start telling the truth. Kirsten Shukla

You are fabulous to do this. So hugely inspiring. Good luck with it ALL. All courage, resilience, kindness, persistence and luminous energy to you, taking it all forward. With XR love and rage. Jill

As teacher since 1971, a GCSE examiner since 1989, an A level examiner since 1995 and an author of text books since 1988 I think that this is one of the most exciting potential developments in education that I have seen. All strength to your movement. John Smith