Report cards

How has

Helen Wetherall

 scored on climate education?

We want to make sure that the next Parliament’s MPs will take action to improve climate education in schools. Join us as we turn the tables on parliamentary candidates by grading them using our climate education report card.

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Report Cards

Climate Education Report Card


Candidate Name:

Helen Wetherall


Derbyshire Dales


True and Fair




No notes given.


Score (/5)

Do they support the integration of climate change throughout every subject?


Do they support the teaching on solutions for climate change, as well as the causes and impacts?


Do they support more training for all teachers around the climate crisis?


Do they support more money being spent to upgrade schools so they are carbon neutral?


Do they support more green skills being taught in job-related education? 


Total Score (/25)


Candidate's Responses

  1. Do you support the integration of climate change throughout every subject?

    Yes. The impact of climate change is going to affect every aspect of our lives and so should be used as a vehicle to facilitate a holistic education for all children and young people.
  2. Do you support the teaching on solutions for climate change, as well as the causes and impacts?

    Indeed I do. We need new ideas, new perspectives and paradigms. Young people are part of the solution and are adept at thinking outside the box. Solutions focus is what is needed to give us all hope for the future!
  3. Do they support more training for all teachers around the climate crisis?

    Yes. Ongoing professional development would help to promote the subject and help teachers to frame the subject properly.
  4. Do they support more money being spent to upgrade schools so they are carbon neutral?

    Yes. Utility costs are huge for schools and carbon neutral technologies could be retro fitted but also insulation could be increased eg using free sheep's wool to insulate school buildings. Sheep wool is very cheap and farmers are currently burning it but there are companies using it to insulate eg RJ Insulation, Sheffield.
  5. Do they support more green skills being taught in job-related education? 

    Yes and I support more skills-based curriculum opportunities generally. The curriculum is too narrowly academic.