Report cards

How has

Joe Salmon

 scored on climate education?

We want to make sure that the next Parliament’s MPs will take action to improve climate education in schools. Join us as we turn the tables on parliamentary candidates by grading them using our climate education report card.

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Report Cards

Climate Education Report Card


Candidate Name:

Joe Salmon


Bournemouth East


Green Party of England and Wales




No notes given.


Score (/5)

Do they support the integration of climate change throughout every subject?


Do they support the teaching on solutions for climate change, as well as the causes and impacts?


Do they support more training for all teachers around the climate crisis?


Do they support more money being spent to upgrade schools so they are carbon neutral?


Do they support more green skills being taught in job-related education? 


Total Score (/25)


Candidate's Responses

  1. Do you support the integration of climate change throughout every subject?

    I would support every subject to reflect on how it contributes to a broad platform of social and environmental change, for example, linking to the UN Sustainable Development Goals. This would include a reflection on the climate crisis.
  2. Do you support the teaching on solutions for climate change, as well as the causes and impacts?

    Yes. As the Green Party manifesto states, we would argue for a curriculum where "every child can learn about the climate and biodiversity crisis to equip them for the challenges ahead". This would include more outdoor learning and practical understanding of, for example, the connection between climate, farming, and the food provided in school.
  3. Do they support more training for all teachers around the climate crisis?

    Yes, this would be necessary to deliver education around the climate and biodiversity crisis well
  4. Do they support more money being spent to upgrade schools so they are carbon neutral?

    The Green Party would directly invest in upgrading school buildings to tackle the current maintenance backlog. There would be a wider £4bn investment programme to insulate public buildings, primarily schools and hospitals, to make them more sustainable. A much broader programme set out by the Green Party will seek to make all public and private buildings carbon neutral by 2030.
  5. Do they support more green skills being taught in job-related education? 

    As part of the transformation of our economy and the need to decarbonise our infrastructure, training in green skills is a critical part of the Green Party manifesto. Training for these skills will be a vital part of a just transition to a sustainable future.