Report cards

How has

John Adams

 scored on climate education?

We want to make sure that the next Parliament’s MPs will take action to improve climate education in schools. Join us as we turn the tables on parliamentary candidates by grading them using our climate education report card.

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Report Cards

Climate Education Report Card


Candidate Name:

John Adams




Green Party of England and Wales




No notes given.


Score (/5)

Do they support the integration of climate change throughout every subject?


Do they support the teaching on solutions for climate change, as well as the causes and impacts?


Do they support more training for all teachers around the climate crisis?


Do they support more money being spent to upgrade schools so they are carbon neutral?


Do they support more green skills being taught in job-related education? 


Total Score (/25)


Candidate's Responses

  1. Do you support the integration of climate change throughout every subject?

    I believe all school children need to learn about as many aspects of climate change as possible, so I agree that the subject should be widely integrated into the curriculum. I am not certain that every subject is amenable to the idea but I hope so.
  2. Do you support the teaching on solutions for climate change, as well as the causes and impacts?

    Absolutely. We are where we are so I believe teaching about solutions, whether through ecological engineering or (dubious) technological engineering, is the most important task for education.
  3. Do they support more training for all teachers around the climate crisis?

    I believe all teachers should understand that sustainable human communities can be modelled on the organisation of Nature's ecosystems. We should respect Nature by cooperating more and dominating it less. I agree with Capra (2002 p232) that “Ecological literacy, or ‘ecoliteracy’ must become a critical skill for politicians, business leaders, and professionals in all spheres, and should be the most important part of education at all levels – from primary and secondary schools to colleges, universities, and the continuing education and training of professionals” (Capra, 2002 p232).
  4. Do they support more money being spent to upgrade schools so they are carbon neutral?

    Yes, although the Green party has allocated an extra £8bn/yr to Education, including £2bn for teachers pay uplift, and £2.5bn/yr to repair RAAC concrete, I am not certain that this includes insulation and clean energy. I suspect these funds are included in insulation of 'other buildings' which is allocated £4bn/yr in our manifesto
  5. Do they support more green skills being taught in job-related education? 

    Absolutely. All vocations have to be part of the transformation to a sustainable society.