Report cards

How has

Lyn Jardine

 scored on climate education?

We want to make sure that the next Parliament’s MPs will take action to improve climate education in schools. Join us as we turn the tables on parliamentary candidates by grading them using our climate education report card.

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Report Cards

Climate Education Report Card


Candidate Name:

Lyn Jardine


Lothian East


Scottish National Party




No notes given.


Score (/5)

Do they support the integration of climate change throughout every subject?


Do they support the teaching on solutions for climate change, as well as the causes and impacts?


Do they support more training for all teachers around the climate crisis?


Do they support more money being spent to upgrade schools so they are carbon neutral?


Do they support more green skills being taught in job-related education? 


Total Score (/25)


Candidate's Responses

  1. Do you support the integration of climate change throughout every subject?

    Yes - only be realising the impact ALL our activities have, will we have an opportunity to tackle climate change as effectively as possible. Understanding how we got to this point historically, geographically, economically etc is important so we can all learn lessons going forward.
  2. Do you support the teaching on solutions for climate change, as well as the causes and impacts?

    I know my 10 year old has taught me lots of aspects about what matters most to him. If we don't teach it at schools, how will any of us learn what is needed?
  3. Do they support more training for all teachers around the climate crisis?

    Again, this is an issue for all of us, but especially our future generations. It is essential the current generation of teachers fully appreciate the risks and opportunities too.
  4. Do they support more money being spent to upgrade schools so they are carbon neutral?

    I would love to see a whole host of modern carbon neutral schools adequately providing safe nurturing spaces to learn with plenty of outdoor access and able to meet a wide range of additional needs.
  5. Do they support more green skills being taught in job-related education? 

    Absolutely. It will only be through adapting how we live on this beautiful planet, that we will be able to prolong our collective health and wellbeing. Learning how to do that, and unlearning all the bad habits we have accumulated, will be crucial to establishing a more harmonious way of life.