Report cards

How has

Natalie McVey

 scored on climate education?

We want to make sure that the next Parliament’s MPs will take action to improve climate education in schools. Join us as we turn the tables on parliamentary candidates by grading them using our climate education report card.

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Report Cards

Climate Education Report Card


Candidate Name:

Natalie McVey


West Worcestershire


Green Party of England and Wales




No notes given.


Score (/5)

Do they support the integration of climate change throughout every subject?


Do they support the teaching on solutions for climate change, as well as the causes and impacts?


Do they support more training for all teachers around the climate crisis?


Do they support more money being spent to upgrade schools so they are carbon neutral?


Do they support more green skills being taught in job-related education? 


Total Score (/25)


Candidate's Responses

  1. Do you support the integration of climate change throughout every subject?

    Yes, climate change is on of the most important issues we are facing globally. There are intrinsic links with subjects across the curriculum.
  2. Do you support the teaching on solutions for climate change, as well as the causes and impacts?

    Yes, and I also support the facilitation of debates and discussions, I have regularly led sessions in schools focusing on climate change and have often heard some extremely creative and practical solutions proposed.
  3. Do they support more training for all teachers around the climate crisis?

    Yes, it's vital that all teachers understand the current situation, the impact on their life, and the lives of their students and how the debate is relevant to their subject area. In my opinion, all children should be educated about climate change, no matter what their age of the type of school they attend.
  4. Do they support more money being spent to upgrade schools so they are carbon neutral?

    "Yes. Schools do not have the budgets to deal with this. Investment to upgrade schools will bring energy bills down and lead the way for students and parents to follow. Somne schools are having to utilise freezing cold / boiling hot portacabins as classrooms, often these do not create the best learning environments due to the extremes of temperature inside."
  5. Do they support more green skills being taught in job-related education? 

    Yes. 'Green' technologies are the future and we should be equipping young people with the vocational skills they need to pursue a career in these industries. As a former careers adviser, I'm perplexed that industries I was talking about 20 years ago have not emerged yet.